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Gathering in the garden

Parc del Laberint d'Horta

After a 10-minute uphill hike, thoughts of doubt began running through our heads as to if these gardens we heard so much about were really worth the climb. That was until we were greeted with the most beautiful scene of green and tan that led to hills of history.

Inside the cypress hedges, rests a piece of art that encompasses a garden beaming with wildlife, biodiversity, and elements of both the Romantic and Neoclassical eras. The Parc del Laberient d’ Horta rests in the Sierra de Collserola Natural Park. At the center if it all lays a labyrinth, that when completed by its visitors, provides them with the opportunity to appreciate the journey it took to get there.

Exploring further into the garden, visitors can observe the Neoclassical pavilions that were created by architect Domenico Bagutti for Marquis of Llipià. The garden is the oldest park in Barcelona that is still in use. For over sixty years, this piece of history has been open to the public to enjoy all of the beauty it has to offer.

With the landscape behind us as we walked away, we all knew the hike was absolutely worth it and more. 


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