While Aix-en-Provence is renowned for its thousands of fountains, delectable cuisine, and boujee fashion sense… there’s an unassuming invasion taking place that has left locals and tourists alike scratching their heads (and sometimes their feet), the pigeons of France.
These feathered creatures have seemingly embraced the joie de vivre attitude of France where they basically feel entitled to join parties and couples alike at the dinner table. These pigeons will simply fly into the outdoor dining areas to stop for a bite to eat or even, at times, waltz right into the restaurant! In some instances, they may even peck your toes for some bread crumbs beneath your feet.
With that being said, welcome to the peculiar world of France’s intrusive, yet strangely comfortable birds.
In-flight entertainment
The invasion of France’s pigeons doesn’t end at the dinner table, be prepared to experience close encounters throughout the day free of charge! They’ve developed a penchant for close encounters, often performing daring aerial maneuvers that would rival any airshow. As you stroll along the cobblestone streets of Aix-en-Provence, stay alert and be prepared to suddenly feel a gust of wind and a flutter of wings. These pigeons won’t think twice before swiftly darting over your head, leaving you feeling startled yet slightly amused.

A pigeon plottwist
Remember how we mentioned pigeons waltzing into the restaurant… well you may also find them wandering onto your entrée plate coining themselves as a local delicacy. Pigeon meat, or “pigeonneau,” is rich in flavor with quite a tender texture. Often a popular dish on traditional French menus.


Bridget Bruchalski
Bridget Bruchalski is a rising Junior and student ambassador for the CIC at the University of South Carolina studying Broadcast Journalism and Informatics. From Lakewood Ranch, Florida with background knowledge of the language and unique, rich Spanish culture, she is beyond excited to indulge in all the wonderful experiences Barcelona, Spain has to offer.

Jalyn Ford
Jalyn Ford is a Junior Advertising Major from Moncks Corner, SC! This is her first time in a different country and she is excited to learn more about the city of Barcelona!

Kevin Drennan
Kevin Drennan is a rising Junior at the University of South Carolina. He is a advertising major from Charleston, South Carolina. He has never been outside the continent and is excited to explore the everyday culture of Spain.

Kaitlyn Howard
Kaitlyn Howard is a rising Junior from Pawleys Island, South Carolina studying Public Relations. This is her first time in Europe and she is excited to learn more about Barcelona.

Caroline Danaher
Caroline Danaher is a junior public relations major from Fair Haven, New Jersey. She is very interested in learning about new cultures and hopes to do public relations work abroad one day.