As our last night in Germany rolled around, so did another surprise excursion. The anticipation of our secret activity was killing me and the possibilities of what it could be were endless. After a long day of project work and exploring the city of Berlin, it was time to meet up with Professor Farrand. I had no clue where we were going but I was excited to see what Farrand had planned. Our excursion began with walking along a scenic trail that paralleled the Berlin Zoo. It led us to the most beautiful outdoor restaurant I had ever seen. There were lots of long tables with string lights above right next to a river. As an added bonus, the weather was perfect. We all squeezed on a table to eat together and enjoyed a group dinner on our last night in Germany. But that wasn’t the only thing that Farrand had planned.

Towards the end of the meal, Farrand had slips paper with a single word on them for us to randomly pick from. Finally, our final destination of the surprise excursion was revealed. We were headed to an escape room! Berlin is known to have some of the best escape room games so I was excited to have my first experience with one be there. I ended up choosing the Illumanti themed room to escape from. The goal of the room I was in was to combine fire, water, earth, and wind to perform the “scared ritual”. Being in the escape room was definitely a high pressure situation (which I loved). We ended up making it out of our room with two minutes to spare. I’m so happy I got to spend my last night in Germany with 15 of my new best friends. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to experience these last two weeks with!