I knew Berlin had a reputation for being full of graffiti, but it was more than anything I had imagined. We had the opportunity to participate in a Street Art Tour and Workshop here in Berlin, where we were taken to some of the most recognized pieces of art and actually got to create our own on a canvas we could take home.

Prior to this tour I did not know that there was such a big difference between street art and graffiti – street art is more mural-style art and images, whereas graffiti is a lot of written names and words. After we were taken through parts of East Berlin covered in art, we went to a graffiti studio where we got to cut our our own stencils and use spray paint to create a piece of graffiti.
This definitely was my favorite thing I have done on this trip so far. Being able to not only see all of the art, but also learn how to do it was so fun. It was awesome to be able to take part in a type of art so well known in Berlin, and be able to take a piece of it home.