As the metro winds underneath the city of Barcelona, busy bodies sit and keep to themselves. At the heigh of the silence, a man steps on the L4 and brings out his violin.
In our front row seats, we listened as the bow moved up and down the strings, his fingers moving with incredible speed. With each note, he turned to face every member of his audience.
From our experience, the metro rides are mundane and uneventful for locals and tourists alike. Most people choose to ignore those who walk up and down the train cars asking for money. However, this performance brough a new light and unity to locals and tourists as both enjoyed the short tune.
After a conversation with the Barcelona natives across from us, people perform on the metro quite frequently. Metro performers have been a pioneering project with TMB transportation company since the early 2000s.
We were told we were lucky to have such a nice performer, as normally if you are caught taking a video, they can be very pushy for money.
At the completion of our small concert, the performer humbly asked for some money and went down to the next train car to play a new song, singing for his supper.
@g00fygroup2 Metro Musician

Anthony Mezzanote
Anthony Mezzanote is a rising senior visual communications major and business minor. He is from Fort Mill, South Carolina. His hobbies include golfing, skiing, hiking, and talking to women.

Charles Cheves
Charles Cheves is a rising junior mass communications major. He is from Charleston, South Carolina and enjoys surfing, soccer, and MMA. He is also a lifeguard.

Claire Carter
Claire Carter is a rising senior multimedia journalism major and business minor. She is from Saint Augustine, Florida. Claire is an avid Taylor Swift lover and dog mom.

Grace Elliotte
Grace Elliotte is a rising junior mass communications major and art studio minor. Grace is from Fort Mill, South Carolina and her hobbies include hiking, painting, and playing with her two cats.

Megan Kennedy
Megan Kennedy is a rising senior visual communications major and entrepreneurship minor. She is from Charlotte, North Carolina, is a cat mom and enjoys cooking and traveling.

Michael Gaither
Michael Gaither is a rising sophomore journalism and music minor. He is from Blythewood, South Carolina and has a passion for sports. Additionally, his hobbies include band, reading, writing, and playing video games.