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The Rome Less Traveled

A beautiful pink house tucked away in the small town of Villa Scialla near Trastevere.

When I think of Rome, the Trevi Fountain, the Colosseum, and other postcard images flood my mind. I’ve heard so many stories about people falling in love with the energy and beautiful architecture all around the streets. Today, my tour guide, Georgio, opened my eyes by sharing – “Roma” spelled backwards is “amor,” which means love in Spanish. The experience of falling in love with Rome is different for everyone. Getting lost along narrow alleys and charming streets captured my heart.

Nestled between the neighborhoods of Gianicolo and Trastevere a set of steep stairs became my hike of the day. Upon reaching its summit I was surrounded by locals that did not speak English. The people looked at us with endless curiosity and it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The first pizzeria in sight drew me in like a moth to light. With little surprise the pizza was easily the best I had so far.

Every corner turned exposed us to a vast new world to be explored.


The streets intertwined like pasta noodles on a dish — they seemingly go on forever. The villas were ornate and looked as if they belonged to wealthy families. This particular neighborhood throughout history was used as farmland before Prince Maffeo Sciarra Colonna went bankrupt and the area turned residential.

 Benito Mussolini owned the public park that is located at the center of the neighborhood in Villa Sciarra. Local lore believes that Julius Caesar hosted Cleopatra in this garden. Many believe that the garden was once the sacred grove of Furrina, the goddess of water. At the edge of the garden is a spectacular view of Trastevere and Rome that looks like it belongs on a postcard.

 Villa Sciarra is a hidden gem found only a few steps away from Viale di Trastevere – the residence I am staying in. One turn off of a busy street led me to one of my favorite places in Rome.


Picture of Bryden Simmons

Bryden Simmons

Featured Writer:
Bryden Simmons, a senior Visual Communications Major enjoyed exploring the back alleys of Rome.

One of the numerous ornate buildings hidden in the hills of Villa Scialla, a small neighborhood near Trastevere.
The intersection of Aurelio Saffi and di Trastevere that leads to the neighborhood, Villa Scialla.
Picture of Michaela Mixon

Michaela Mixon

Featured Photographer:
Michaela Mixon, a senior Mass Communication major, captures the back road beauty of Trastevere.

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